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    • #468060

      I am having trouble with all questions in regards to wrist or hand splinting. I understand that with a tendon repair we would want a position that allows the tissue to be on slack, but with fractures I have no idea. For example, the Boxer’s fracture. I looked it up and found the answer but I don’t even know the different types of splinting to make an educated guess on these types of questions. Any help or recommendations on how to review these would be appreciated! Or should I even worry about this? haha.

      Thank you!

    • #468086
      Nick Smith

      Hi Kendra and thanks for the question! While I would not spend a lot of time on this subject matter due to the low percentage of questions, it may be a good idea to memorize/visualize some splinting techniques. Also this is an area to drive home about 1-2 weeks before the test. Below is the title of an article with good pictures of some common techniques and fracture management.

      Casting and splinting management for hand injuries in the in-season contact sport athlete

      Katherine H Carruthers, Olivia O’Reilly, Martin Skie, John Walters, Patrick Siparsky

      Good luck with your preparation and reach out with any other questions you may have!


    • #468532

      Thank you so much!

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