Hello! Question about the procedure for the 10 MWT. Do patients get two trials walking at normal speed and then fast speed, and we take the average of both to calculate two speeds? OR are we giving them three trials at their comfortable speed and taking the average of the 2nd and 3rd trial recorded?
Hi Chelsea,
Thanks for this question! Per the standardized administration guidance provided by the ANPT (https://neuropt.org/practice-resources/anpt-clinical-practice-guidelines/core-outcome-measures-cpg), patients walk two trials at their comfortable speed then two trials at their fastest speed. The two times for the comfortable speed are averaged to calculate comfortable walking speed in meters/second. The two trials for the fast speed are also averaged to calculate fast walking speed in m/s. So, two walking speeds are documented (comfortable and fast). I am in the process of updating the lecture handouts to reflect the new instructions.
Let me know if you have any other questions!