APTA OCS physical therapy exam prep course

The OCS Advantage consists of study materials to help busy clinicians pass the OCS exam. Our goals are to save you time, save you money, and help you earn distinction as an Orthopaedic Clinical Specialist. We carefully drafted over 525 exam quality practice questions to simulate the format of the OCS exam.

You can enroll in the exams individually or the full course all at once. The 10 practice exams each consist of 50 questions – or you can get a taste of the OCS Advantage by enrolling in the 25-question Basic Exam.

If you elect to enroll in the full course, you will also have access to our curated study guides, articles, and study strategy videos.

 More than 100 pages of study guides and quick reference guides concisely overview:

  • Clinical Prediction Rules and Test Item Clusters
  • Clinical Practice Guidelines
  • Myotomes, Dermatomes, and Peripheral Nerve Distribution
  • Muscular Anatomy and Joint Arthrokinematics
  • Differential Diagnosis
  • Musculoskeletal Pathology and Systemic Red Flags

Additionally, 33 videos review study strategies and quick tips to help you prepare for the OCS exam.

The content is all in one place and available for you to review at your own pace to make your study approach more efficient so you feel confident on test day.

Also, check out our blog for some free bonus content as you are preparing for the OCS exam!

The OCS Advantage qualifies for 24 contact hours of self-study continuing education. Contact us and we will supply the necessary materials to complete the individual CEU application in your state.

Join the more than 600 people who have enrolled in the OCS Advantage to date. Check out feedback from previous course participants here.

What questions do you have? Email us at ocsadvantage@rehabknowledge.com and we’ll respond within 48 hours.

† Money-back guarantee requirements:   
– Course registered to the individual taking the OCS exam
– Individual registered for and completes OCS exam in 2025
– Enroll in the OCS Advantage between 3/31/2024 and 1/15/2025
– Score at least 75% on all OCS Advantage practice exams by 2/23/2025 (10 practice exams and Basic exam)
– Provide official statement from ABPTS regarding failure to pass exam
– Maximum refund of $250 (OCS Advantage purchase price)

The OCS Advantage is intended for use by the purchaser only. Sharing content is prohibited without permission from  site administrators. [Copyright 2025]
$10.00 – $250.00
  • You will retain access to the OCS Advantage until March 31 of the year you take the OCS exam
  • Basic Exam is 25 questions
  • Practice Exams are 50 questions each
  • Email to discuss discounted upgrade to the full course if you enroll in practice exams first
  • The OCS Advantage is non-refundable