On exam 1, question 76 it is showing me I got the correct answer when I chose B, but the description seems to indicate that A is the correct answer.
A child with a neurological deficit is unable to step up onto a single step leading into his home without loss of balance. The step is a standard height and width, however, no rail or support is available. During your treatment session, the child falls over every time he lifts one leg off of the floor greater than 2 inches. What are the best activities based on postural control and motor learning research for mastery of this skill?
Hi Carole,
The correct answer for this question is (I am not sure which letter it correlates with as I only have the master exam):
“Practice lateral weight shifts in standing with as few manual cues as possible, advance toward single limb balance activities without support, and then ascension of a single step”
We rewrote this question back in November, after an inquiry, to improve clarity and the detail of the response. Let us know if this response does not sufficiently address your question. The application of motor learning principles during PT practice is often inconsistent and not well linked with the literature so we decided to include multiple questions related to motor learning to provide a thorough review.