Hi! I have been trying to figure out how to implement the MDS-UPDRS into a smart phase for an evaluation. Do you have a prefabricated PD evaluation you could share? Seems like a lot of information to do all on the first visit, but also valuable information. Thank you!
I’ll email you the UPDRS template I use. It is embedded with lots of smart lists that won’t work outside my organization, but I think you could build them all in 30 minutes or so (just the ratings for each item).
I complete pre-DBS evaluations for our Neurologists where I administer the UPDRS on and off medications to aid in determining DBS candidacy. I will say that I rarely use the UPDRS clinically and elect to use more functional tests that are more likely to respond to PT interventions (5xSTS, gait speed, Mini-BESTest, and 6MWT are my go-to test battery).