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OVER 98% PASS RATE FOR THE NCS, PCS, OCS, AND GCS EXAMS forums NCS Advantage General Question about the practice exams and case

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    • #490183


      I hope this message finds you well! I know that the purpose of the practice cases and exams is to help us find gaps in our knowledge and where to review; but do you have a recommended minimum % that we should be scoring on these to help us better understand our preparedness? The perfectionist in me would love to get 100% in everything but that’s impossible.

      Thanks! Sorry if this is a silly question.


    • #490185

      Hi Kathryn!

      Average scores for the NCS Advantage exams are 60-70% on the first attempt. With repeated attempts of the same exam, average scores tend to increase to the 75-85% range.

      Over 98% of our participants report passing their ABPTS exam, so, if you are scoring somewhere near the range of our average scores, you are likely on track for your exam. No need for 100%!! 🙂


    • #490187

      Awesome thank you!!!!

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