I have been rotating through various prep materials including the NCS Advantage practice tests, Medbridge practice tests and Shepherd NCS Prep book questions. I find that I score in the 60s on Medbridge and between 60-80s on NCS Advantage however I am struggling on the Shepherd questions (under 60%). Do you know if the test questions on the NCS Advantage practice tests more similar to the actual exam compared to Shepherd? I am just concerned given the large gap between scores on tests.
Hello! I haven’t spent time with the MedBridge or Shepherd materials in order to maintain the integrity of the NCS Advantage (I don’t want to accidentally steal anyone’s ideas!), so I can’t say how their exams compare to the NCS Advantage.
I can say that average scores for the NCS Advantage exams are 60-70% on the first attempt. With repeated attempts of the same exam, average scores tend to increase to the 75-85% range.
Over 98% of our participants report passing their NCS exam, so it sounds like you are on track to pass your exam with your NCS Advantage scores! 🙂
Not sure if this is helpful, but I am using all three of these resources as well. I feel like my scores on the NCS advantage and medbridge practice exams tend to be similar (70s first attempt), and the Shepherd question absolutely destroy me (40s-50s). I have tried not to let that part get me down, but rather use that information from the Shepherd test questions to delve deeper into different concepts and research papers, and how to think critically and pull out details from their style of questions. I feel like some of their questions are pretty picky and super specific, and some I even just totally disagree with. I obviously haven’t taken the NCS yet to compare, but just hoping that it’s reassuring that somebody else is also finding the Shepherd questions very challenging,