Thank you for the option of purchasing the exams! I have a question regarding Exam III, question #14. It asks “what is the term is for a disruption of the axon, endoneurium, and perineurium without expected recover”? It states the correct answer is axonotmesis. I thought that axonotmesis although residual deficits may be present, recover could occur in weeks/months. While neurotmesis was disruption of the endoneurium and will not recover without surgical intervention. Would you kindly elaborate on this question? Thank you!
Thank you for this question! Upon further review, our wording on this question was confusing. Axonotmesis is quite variable – it can range from injury to only the axon with complete recovery up to a very severe disruption of the axon, endoneurium, and perineurium requiring surgical intervention. I edited our question to make this more clear.