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    • #487585
      Brittany Hoehlein

      Hi Chrissy,

      Thank you for developing such wonderfully helpful content in preparing for the NCS. I had a question regarding level for SCI classification on exam 4-q2. Why is the patient classified as L3 when L2 above is also only 3+ and we are under the assumption that sensation is normal through the trunk? I was under the impression that in order for L3 to count as the level the level above would need to be a 5 and here it is 3+.

      Thank you again,

    • #487779

      Hi Brittany,
      I apologize for the confusion. Your reasoning is spot on – I needed to improve the wording of the question. Hip flexion was presumed to be normal with only the knee extensors being 3+. I am updating the question with this clarification!

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