I have a quick question.
In the DCD study guide it mentions that core stability is an ineffective internveitons with strong evidence for this population. In the Practice Guidelines however it states “Task oriented with Body function” is the best approach and further includes: Core Stability Training as a recommendations for the Body Function part. Later in the article it has a table that suggests strong evidence that Neuromotor training along with Functional motor training in combination with core stability can improve motor performance.
So my question is…
1) is core stability an effective intervention when combined with a task oriented intervention for children with DCD?
2) When working with a child with DCD should I creating a plan of care that includes a “task oriented” intervention combined with a “body function task”?
The CPG states that “compliance with task-oriented home programs for motor skills training intervention correlated with positive changes in motor proficiency and postural control compared with children who received a core stability-focused home program.” Core stability training when combined with functional training can be a beneficial treatment strategy for these children. Core training completed in isolation is not expected to produce functional gains (similar to strengthening in isolation for children with CP does not improve function, strengthening must be completed during functional tasks for functional outcomes to be achieved). So, to make a long answer short – yes to both of your questions!