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OVER 98% PASS RATE FOR THE NCS, PCS, OCS, AND GCS EXAMS › forums › NCS Advantage › Locomotion CPGs › Reply To: Locomotion CPGs September 5, 2024 at 9:45 am #489979 Chrissy Durrough LuggeKeymaster Hi Katie, The CPG only applies to individuals who are at least 6 months post-stroke/TBI/SCI, so the recommendations don’t necessarily apply to acute stroke. I’ll echo what Austin said about the ANPT clinician resources. Here’s a direct link to the most simple summary page: https://www.neuropt.org/docs/default-source/cpgs/locomotor/locomotor-cpg-poster-5-6-21863d39a5390366a68a96ff00001fc240.pdf?sfvrsn=463e5f43_0 There is also an NCS Advantage CPG summary under module 3 on the course homepage. Chrissy