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Jessica Lewis

Hi Amy!

Thank you for pointing this out to us. When we originally designed the questions and answers, we did not take into account that the answers would be scrambled each time. We thought we caught all of the questions, but we missed this one! We will make sure to correct this as soon as possible for the future. For now, here are the correct descriptions of each gait pattern:

Equinus gait pattern: ankle plantarflexion (equinus) during stance phase with full hip extension and full knee extension during stance
Jump gait pattern: ankle plantarflexion during stance with hip and knee flexion in early stance followed by extension to a variable degree in late stance
Apparent equinus gait pattern: normal ankle range of motion throughout the gait cycle with hip and knee flexion throughout stance
Crouch gait pattern: ankle in excessive dorsiflexion, hip flexion, and knee flexion throughout stance

A really great reference for this is: Papageorgiou E, et al. Systematic review on gait classifications in children with cerebral palsy: an update. Gait Posture. 2019;69:209-223. It gives more description for each pattern and has pictures.

Let us know if you have any other questions about this one!
