Congratulations on taking the next step in your career and taking the Orthopaedic Clinical Specialist (OCS) exam! It’s a reputable step towards career advancement. Thank you for your commitment to optimizing your contributions to the field of orthopedic physical therapy.
It’s time to get into test-taking mode. Our priority is to help you pass the OCS exam. In this article, we’re going to share our favorite test-taking tips – proven strategies to help you save time, save money, and pass the OCS exam.
By now, you’ve likely already realized how important it is to use your time well. It’s easy to become overwhelmed by the prospect of condensing the vast field of evidence-based orthopedics into a manageable study schedule. Below is our list of anxiety-busting strategies.
1. Have a plan – This is a must. Most OCS candidates will tell you that figuring out when and what they will study is one of the most daunting tasks in this entire process. We recommend you map out the entire journey. Get as specific as possible. What will you study? When will you study? Where will you study? What are the goals of the session? The week? The month? How much time will you devote to each section? The time invested in creating a plan on the front end will provide an exponential return down the home stretch. Life is full of extenuating circumstances – don’t let them interfere with your OCS studies. In our course, we have included a robust 12-week study plan to help you most efficiently use your OCS study time.
2. Have a collaborative study group – This is possibly the most important action you can take in preparing for the OCS exam. Leveraging the collective brainpower of a group is the surest way to maximize your efficiency. You don’t know what you don’t know. Your study partners are much more likely to illuminate your blind spots. During your group discussions, you’ll be teaching concepts to your peers, which further solidifies your ownership over a concept. Our discussion forum is a great way to both find some study buddies and coordinate a group session. You’re not alone; the OCS Advantage family is here to help you pass the OCS exam.
3. Practice, Practice, Practice – Don’t forget the primary objective is to pass the OCS exam. You want to expose yourself to as many practice questions as possible. You get better at taking test by practicing taking test. Questions are also a very efficient means of studying. They prepare you for the actual OCS exam and they quickly identify gaps in your OCS knowledge. We have over 525 exam quality questions in the OCS Advantage.
We’re excited for you. We want to see you be successful in passing the OCS exam. We can honestly say that’s our number one priority. Our entire business is to ensure you pass the OCS exam. By using these strategies, we’re very confident you’ll be able to maximize your studying efforts, most efficiently use your time, and – most importantly – pass the OCS exam.